Please join us in welcoming our new GP Registrar, Dr Chris Dickie, to BMC.
Dr Chris completed his medical training in Scotland before moving to Canberra in 2018. He has since worked in Emergency Medicine and completed the Emergency Medicine Postgraduate Certificate before starting GP training in 2022.
He joins the Bungendore Medical Centre team with several years of General Practice and Emergency Medicine experience and is currently working towards completing his fellowship with the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP).
As an Academic Registrar Dr Chris works on Mondays and Tuesdays at Bungendore Medical Centre and spends the rest of his week working at the ANU Medical School in Canberra where he is researching GP leadership.
He enjoys the breadth of general practice and is happy to see all patients however currently does not perform any skin or women’s health procedures.

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