General BMC Services

We offer a wide range of services including:
- General Health
- Prevention & Wellness
- Immunisations
- Work/School/Travel Exams
- Home Visits by arrangement
- Minor Procedures – including skin checks and skin lesion removal
- Chronic Disease Management
- COPD & asthma care
- Family Planning
- Ear Syringing
- Flu / pneumonia immunisations
- Gynaecology and Women’s Health
- Psychology
- Dietician
- Social worker
- Pathology – blood tests and breath tests only

Capital Pathology provides blood and breath test services from Bungendore Medical Centre on Monday and Thursday mornings from 08:00 – 12:00 by appointment only. If you require a blood test, you can book online below or via telephone to reception. If you require any other type of pathology service please call reception to see if this can be arranged at Bungendore Medical Centre.
Women’s Health

All contraceptive & womens health needs can be met here in Bungendore.
- Consultations involving Implanon and Mirena insertions involve 2 consultations. Please ring to make an appointment.
- If you are pregnant and would like to discuss your options please ask reception for an MS2step appointment.
My Health Record

My Health Record is an online summary of your key health information.
When you have a My Health Record, your health information can be viewed securely online, from anywhere, at any time – even if you move or travel interstate. You can access your health information from any computer or device that’s connected to the internet.
Whether you’re visiting a GP for a check-up, or in an emergency room following an accident and are unable to talk, healthcare providers involved in your care can access important health information, such as:
- allergies
- medicines you are taking
- medical conditions you have been diagnosed with
- pathology test results like blood tests.
This can help you get the right treatment. You don’t need to be sick to benefit from having a My Health Record. It’s a convenient way to record and track your health information over time.
For more information visit what is my health record.
BMC Policy

The Bungendore Medical Centre is committed to preventative medicine. We utilise reminder systems for cervical screening, tests, blood tests, cholesterol checks, immunisations and health checks.
It is the policy of this practice to enrol patients in appropriate reminder systems.
Please let your doctor know if you do not wish to participate in our reminder service.
Specialist Referrals
Specialist referrals will NOT be written without an appointment or without prior arrangement with a doctor.
Pathology Results
Patients are asked to make follow up appointments to receive pathology results.
Availability of Doctor by Telephone
Doctors are usually NOT available to be contacted by telephone during surgery hours. If appropriate your call may be put through to the nurse. A message can be taken for the Doctors but they may not get back to you the same day.
Medical Certificates
Medical Certificates carry a legal obligation for the doctor and can only be issued if a consultation takes place. Medical Certificates cannot be backdated.
Workers’ Compensation & Third Party Claims
Patients will be responsible for these accounts at the time of consultation unless a claim number is provided at the time of examination. Should a claim subsequently become disputed then the liability for payment will revert to the patient for settlement within 30 days.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
You can download the full privacy policy below.
General Practice Management Plans
There are two types of plans that can be prepared by a General Practitioner (GP) for Chronic Disease Management (CDM):
- GP Management Plan (GPMP); and
- Team Care Arrangements (TCAs).
If you have both a GPMP and TCAs prepared for you by your GP, you may be eligible for Medicare rebates for certain allied health services. It is up to a GP to determine whether you are eligible for these allied health services which must be directly related to the management of your chronic condition.
A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer, for example, asthma, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis and stoke. There is no list of eligible conditions. However, these items are designed for patients who require a structured approach and to enable GPs to plan and coordinate the care of patients with complex conditions requiring ongoing care from a multidisciplinary care team.
A GP Management Plan (GPMP) can help people with chronic medical conditions by providing an organised approach to care.
If you have a chronic medical condition and complex care needs requiring multidisciplinary care, your GP may also develop Team Care Arrangements (TCAs). These will help coordinate more effectively the care you need from your GP and other health or care providers.
Once a plan is in place, it should be regularly reviewed by your GP. This is an important part of the planning cycle, where you and your GP check that your goals are being met and agree on any changes that might be needed.