• Post last modified:December 28, 2023

Lots of us are going to make New Year’s resolutions – many of them about our health. Yes, it’s so important to be as healthy as we can be… but very few of us can keep our resolutions. Here’s the BMC guide to a healthier 2024.

Set realistic goals and keep them simple. Make sure you see your GP and discuss realistic health goals for the year.

It’s difficult to achieve your physical health goals if you neglect your mental health. All of us are facing so many challenges, and keeping good mental health can be one of the greatest challenges of all. Seek help – see your GP if you need

Sleep! Lots of good quality sleep makes it easier to achieve all of your other health goals. Put away  the device well before you go to bed.

Make sure your good health resolutions include healthy eating and drinking. Everyone can search healthy food options on their devices – there are few excuses not to now. Sure, food isn’t necessarily cheap – but there are lots of affordable healthy food options still.

Lastly, recognise that improving your health isn’t easy most of the time. Finding time to move more, to connect socially, & to be positive definitely takes effort… …but improving your health often makes everything else in life a bit better, so it’s worth the effort.

AND remember