Tracy Harb (PhD)
Tracy Harb is an Accredited Practicing Dietitian specialising in maternal and infant/child nutrition. She has many years’ experience in clinical practice in both public and private sectors. Tracy’s academic qualifications are:
* B. App Sci (Human Nutrition)
* Grad Dip Dietetics
* Master of Public Health
* PhD (paediatric nutrition)
Tracy’s PhD research investigated the link between maternal diet and allergies & functional gut disorders in breastfed infants.
Tracy currently works one to two days per week in Private Practice (A Healthy Plate) and four days per week managing the Women, Youth and Children’s Community Nutrition Service at Canberra Health Services.
Tracy has enjoyed a varied career, having previously held a variety of positions in the public sector including, Policy Officer, Program Manager and Public Health Epidemiologist.
- 02 6238 1417
- 36 Ellendon Street, Bungendore, NSW, 2621.
- https://ahealthyplate.com.au/