Last year the Bungendore community was grateful to receive a visit from the Bone Density Bus.
The uptake from the locals was such, that the service reached capacity much earlier than expected and was unable to see everyone interested in attending.
To avoid disappointment this year, please book as soon as you can.
For those who are unaware, the Bone Bus is a mobile service that provides bone density scans. These scans are bulk-billed for the over 70’s or those with specific health issues. If you are not eligible for bulk-billing, the cost is between $50 (for pension card holders) and $90. A referral from your doctor is essential for everyone.
The Bone Density Bus will be found in the car-park of Bungendore Medical Centre between the 13th and 15th of May.
In the near future, BMC will be sending invitations to patients who might benefit from a scan, however, you do not need an invitation to attend. Please feel free to make an appointment with your GP for a referral.
For more information about bone health and osteoperosis, please see :
or watch this YouTube video: