A few months ago, we asked the doctors here at Bungendore Medical Centre “If you could share one piece of content with your patients, what would it be?”.
Throughout the coming year, we intend to regularly post their responses to this question.
Today, Dr Sherley shares with us a fantastic resource she happened upon last year: Cinema Therapy!
How would you rate the relationships in Love Actually?
What can Aragorn from Lord of The Rings teach us about healthy masculinity?
What made Princess Leia from Star Wars a great leader?
How did Barbie, Wonder Woman, and Captain America cope when they faced an existential crisis/major paradigm shift?
Does Iron Man have PTSD?
https://www.youtube.com/@CinemaTherapyShow is a YouTube channel where a therapist and filmmaker explore healthy relationships and mental health by talking about the characters in popular movies.
It’s a light and entertaining way to learn more about mental health and happy healthy relationships.